Voter’s Education and Inspection of Voting Center in Datu Saudi Ampatuan

September 10, 2024

TheCommission on Elections (COMELEC) of Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Maguindanao del Sur,led by Ms. Maceda Lidasan-Abo, Election Officer III, conducted a Voter’sEducation session and inspection of voting centers in collaboration with theAB4 Project. The COMELEC-DSA invited the Maguindanao Development Foundation,Inc. (MDFI) to observe the Voter’s Education session, during which the MDFIalso provided a lecture on the Bangsamoro Electoral Code and distributedinformational, educational, and communication (IEC) materials.

Ms.Abo expressed her gratitude to both the MDFI team and the AB4 Project for theirsupport in the activity. Prior to the event, when the MDFI team coordinatedwith COMELEC-DSA regarding the AB4 Project, Ms. Abo requested assistance fromMDFI to provide additional support and IEC materials for the session. Inresponse, MDFI distributed IEC materials from last year’s AB3 BangsamoroElectoral Code campaign, specifically the Tagalog version.

Mr.Jimmy Dalgan, the project manager of MDFI, gave a brief but insightful lectureon the Bangsamoro Electoral Code. The discussion was highly informative, asparticipants showed great interest, acknowledging their limited knowledge ofthe subject. Mr. Dalgan emphasized that this initial session was just a partialdiscussion of the Bangsamoro Electoral Code. He added that MDFI, through itsAB4 Project, will soon conduct a comprehensive voter education campaign thatincludes a demonstration of how to use the latest voting machines. The votereducation rollout in Datu Saudi Ampatuan is scheduled for the first week ofDecember 2024.

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