MaguindanaonDevelopment Foundation, Inc. (MDFI) recently assisted the coffee collectivemarketing or test delivery of Kabulanan Highlanders Association (KHASDI) toNestle buying station in Tacurong City. KHASDI is an association of coffeefarmers in Kabulanan, Bagumbayan, Sultan Kudarart.
As ofthis posting, MDFI assisted nine coffee farmers associations with total of 378members that harvested and marketed/sold total volume of 11,973.28 kgs. toNestle Philippines with accumulated payment of P12,197,658.03.
Supportto coffee collective marketing is under the economic intervention of theProject which also includes conductof Value Chain Analysis (VCA), annual Agro-Enterprise Planning workshop, access tofinancial assistance or loans from micro-finance institutions, workshop onCollective Marketing, post Delivery Assessment, Coordination Meeting with Agricultural MunicipalStakeholders, DialogueMeeting with LGU and Coffee Stakeholders,Mentoring Session with Coffee Organization, and Assessment of policy environment of LGUs on coffeevalue chain.
Equally important is the Social Intervention of the Project such as BCPCFunctionality Assessment, BCPCOrientation on Child Labour & Child Protection, BCPC Planning Workshop, Follow-upand Mentoring Sessions with BCPC members,Awareness/Advocacy Campaign on Child Labor & Child Protection with CoffeeFarmers, Information Drive/Advocacy Campaign on Child Labor, Facilitatedialogue meetings and social contract development among and with coffee farmersto prevent child labor and uphold child protection.
Nestle Philippines-Swiss Fund the Building Socially Responsible CoffeeFarming Communities in Sultan Kudarat Project covering 24 barangays in themunicipalities of Lebak, Kalamansig, Esperanza, Senator Ninoy Aquino, andEsperanza.