MDFI was founded in 1987 by Mr. Dausay Sukod Daulogknown as “Thoss”. Atthat time, the minority Moros are experiencing injustices, hence, an ideaflashed in Thoss toorganize an NGO to serve the needs of Moros and IPs. He said to his self “if Iwill see an NGO bearing the name Maguindanaon, I will be very happy as it mean…Maguindanaons canalso do what other non-Maguindanaon NGOs could do”. Amongthe key persons that motivated and inspired Thoss to pursue NGO organizing to helpempower Moro and IP communities are Rene D. Garucho whowas then the Executive Director of the South Cotabato Foundation, Inc. (SCFI)and Brother James F. Adams of Notre Dame of MarbelCollege.

Family Background and Primary School Days

Dausay Sukod Daulog known as Thoss was born on February 24, 1953 atMamali, Lutayan, Sultan Kudarat and is the second out of the seven children ofMr. Daulog Mangindla and Ms. Sukod Lapet. He was among the pioneering studentsof Mamali Primary School up to grade two. He continued grade four to grade fiveat Tamnag Elementary School which is over five kilometers away from theirhouse. He doesn’t have school bag, thus, he put his notebooks inside acellophane every time rain pours to prevent it from being wet as he and hisclassmate hike daily every morning to go to school and every afternoon back athome.

Transfer to NewIlo-Ilo, Tantangan, South Cotabato

Thoss transferred to New Ilo-Ilo High School and stayed to Datu DalmetanMabinay at Sitio Malipayon and pursued grade five until graduating elementary.He continued first year high school at the Notre dame of Ilo-Ilo but during hissecond year in high school, the Ilaga conflict against Moro people forced himto stop his studies and evacuated along his family to Lake Buluan. After ayear, when the conflict subsided, he continued his second year and graduated atKoronadal National High School.

College Days

Determined to pursue his studies, he took up BS Education at Notre Dameof Marbel College. To help his parents, he entered as working student at thesame time endorsed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs BrotherJames Adam for Cocofed scholarship. Other siblings of Thoss were also admittedinto the college as working students. Thoss graduated college in 1981.

Under threat during employment insuper ministry

Immediately after graduation, Thoss applied and worked as LivelihoodCoordinator of the Ministry of Human Settlement, an office that was consideredas super ministry based at Cotabato City led by Col. Celestino F. Desamito Jr.Thoss was assigned to Parang, Matanog, Barira, Buldon. Among his unforgettableexperience was the threat of certain “Kumander Guro” when he refused to receivethe latter’s money offered to him to fast track release of his Project thussaid to Thoss “huwag kang magpapakita sa akin kasi papatayin kita”. Afterseveral days, Thoss surprised Kumander Guro in a meeting and the latter’s eyesenlarged with surprise of the courage showed by Thoss of seeing him after thethreat as he saw him, then Kumander Guro shaked hands with him then theirfriendship started. In 1986, Thoss employment at Ministry of Human Settlementended.

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