The MDFI team attended the AB3 partners' quarterly meeting on October 2-3, 2023 held at the Grand Summit Hotel in General Santos City. The activity was organized by The Asia Foundation with funding support from the UK government to work with the Bangsamoro Transition Authority in promoting active citizenry in the Bangsamoro.
Various CSO partners reported their respective Activate Bangsamoro 3 quarterly project updates. MDFI was represented in by Miss Jahira P. Ambalgan, OIC Executive Director and Mr. Norben M. Tampal, Project Officer. The two-day activity is incredibly instructive and interactive.
Ms. Josephine Teves, the MEL Consultant assisted the respective AB3 CSO partners in discussing and addressing the Project implementation gaps, bottlenecks, and challenges and provided input on the MEL.
Partnership, Convergence opportunities workshop was led by Engr. Misuari Abdullah, the Program Officer of TAF. He also assisted the CSO on the remaining deliverables of the project and what measures to take in the remaining months of the project. Ms. Noraida Chio, Senior Program Officer of TAF, also played an important role in the activity by answering questions from different CSOs about the obstacles they encountered throughout project operations. Alternative solutions on how to overcome challenges were also discussed.
The Sub-awards and Audit Session was discussed by Mr. Adrian Ocay- The TAF Subawards and Audit Officer. He assists the financial officers of CSOs in properly liquidating the expenses and also emphasizes that the project has no extension and will terminate on January 31, 2024. Mr. Sam Chittick TAF's Country Representative thanked the various CSOs for their efforts and expressed his optimism for the success of the AB3 Project.